First update in a decade!

Wow. I actually updated my website for the first time in a decade.

Check it out!

I added some new stories that are based on prompts, so every time you see it the stories should be a bit different. Not sure if it’s gonna work, but should be fun!

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3 Responses to First update in a decade!

  1. Ivy says:

    Hey dear , I have recently come across your video’s and felt like I’ve known you for awhile. I think you have to be one of the most genuine and real people out there in today’s society . I wish you all the best and I hope you don’t ever let whatever mean things anyone says steal who you are because who you are is rare and so perfect ! Thanks for staying true

  2. A fan!! says:

    I miss you Masao!! Please post more videos!!

  3. kirby says:

    hah thats awesome, but i was reading your story’s you had been writing over the years and you kept talking about incest for some reason. idk just somthing i had noticed

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